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Welcome to the Black Hat's Blog...

Here you will find, musings, thoughts, rambellings and issues from my perspective, on railways, the hobby, people, trains and photography...

The start of the Black Hat's Blog

June 30, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

So here it is... the first page.

Really, it should be quite formal, quite the introduction. Fact is that this isnt a herald of some major event, but rather the start of things that I notice and maybe gets noticed or my attention. There could be things that others take issue with, some might be funny and maybe even informative. I would think it will develop as it progresses and evolve to become something others might point to, or not...

So what is on this first page. Well, I've decided to use this function as now the website has the backlog of pictures uploaded and available to view. A great many that stem from the beginning of me getting a Digital SLR camera show lighting in the wrong place and a bleached sky that digital photography tends to show up too much. Fact is that as time has progressed so my photography has evolved too. I now take into account areas like sun lighting, picture composure and the chance for something more artistic.

The equipment that I have has developed too with extra lenses purchased to add to the camera, a tripod and filters to help the lighting effects. Just look at all the close up pictures in 2007 when I bought a Tameron 70-300 lense and went trigger happy with it. I tend not to edit or photoshop pictures afterwards as believe that this takes something away from taking the photograph. If you rely on technology to correct the photo, you end up continuely taking bad photographs. It used to think that was black and white, but now can accept some tweaking if its the exception rather than the rule, as still my photos Im unhappy with are not used and lessons learned.

10,000 photographs on the website is something I didnt think I'd reach for sometime to come. The backlog was bigger than I expected and Im happy and proud to show the work I have enjoyed creating. I think it does show evolution to become dependable and consistantly good photographs. Comments and feedback from others that have been left on the site and recieved by email have also been great. So if there are photos you like the website has areas where you can leave comments. Such remarks are nice, and even advice is welcome from others that are experienced and those new to the hobby. I believe its something we share rather than something we compete against.

So, here it is.. the first page. Who knows what comes next....


aka the Black Hat



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