Created 12-Apr-11
Modified 16-Sep-24
Engines from the North East featured prominently as Locomotion held an extra event this year. Billied as an event for the North East it featured some engines assosiated with the area, rather than definate connections.
The two engines from NELPG were for me the main draw. My favourite steam engine 62005 was back at Shildon, having started my interest in railways for life back on 28th March 1993, when it hauled a tour to Stanhope. Despite that it had been to Shildon since, it still has not moved past Bishop Auckland like it did on the tour when I was guard for the day at all of 9 years of age.
62005 was allocated to be a Darlington engine, 69023 was mostly at Newcastle I believe but Darlington built Tornado, stood with its 51A shedplate on the apron for most of the day entertaining Joe Public who had come to see the engine.
Other engines there included Green Arrow, and with a definate link to some more true North Eastern Vintage J21 65033 had arrived for storing, pending appeals for its restoration - surely thats got to be the Cinderella at the ball?
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