110 pictures of a Deltic on freight. A few years ago, people would have laughed you of a room had you proposed such a thing. The idea of a Deltic being hired to a company is one thing for passenger - freight is another. Those at BR in their heyday would have thought that the throughbread locomotives were above it all, their majesty for express working only. However, preservation and the modern open market for locomotives is different, and views, ideas and a business case have changed with times. GBRf took the opportunity to use the Deltic, and it has worked very well on the flow hauling Alcan wagons.
Pictures here show the locomotive at various points on the line, passing its GBRf workmates, being the class 66 on the duties across the network. Will it happen again? A Deltic on freight, who knows, but someone came from Canada to see this one - I guess that says it all....